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Material resource efficiency in construction: Supporting a circular economy (FB 85)

Material resource efficiency in construction: Supporting a circular economy (FB 85)

by Katherine Adams and Gilli Hobbs (01-Jan-2017)


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Book Description

There is increasing awareness that improved material resource efficiency will produce benefits across the construction industry such as cost savings, reduced environmental impact and an enhanced reputation. At a construction project level, resource efficiency can be implemented at all stages (design, procurement, construction, in use and end of life) using established tools and techniques.
This guide describes the material resource efficiency requirements in BREEAM. It provides the background, drivers, benefits and practical advice to assist clients, designers and contractors in achieving higher levels of material resource efficiency. It will also be useful to product manufacturers, suppliers and waste management companies.


What is material resource efficiency?
Material resource efficiency drivers
- Business benefits
- Policy, legislation and standards
- Environmental benefits
Some facts and figures
Achieving greater material resource efficiency
- Pre-demolition and pre-refurbishment audits
- Designing out Waste
- Measurement and setting targets
- Site waste management plans/resource management plans
- Procurement
- Site activities
- Waste management off site
- Training and awareness
- Incentives
- Responsibilities
Waste management options for products and materials
Challenges to delivering greater material resource efficiency
References, tools and guidance