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Model agreements for sustainable water management systems. Model agreement for rainwater and greywater use systems

Model agreements for sustainable water management systems. Model agreement for rainwater and greywater use systems

by P Shaffer, C Elliott, J Reed, J Holmes, M Ward (15-Nov-2004)


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Book Description

This guide provides basic advice on the use and development of model operation and maintenance agreements for rainwater and greywater use systems together with simple guidance on their incorporation into developments.

The book identifies maintenance considerations and provides an outline of ways in which the long-term responsibilities for the maintenance of the rainwater and greywater use systems can be allocated.

Provided with the book is a model agreement booklet and a CD containing an electronic file of the model agreement.

68 pages

Contents: Summary, Acknowledgements, 1 Introduction, 2 Sustainable water management, 3 Background to rainwater and greywater use, 4 Rainwater and greywater use systems, 5 Policy, regulatory and guidance considerations, 6 Maintenance of rainwater and greywater use systems, 7 Development of rainwater and greywater use systems model agreements, 8 Commentary on the model agreement, 9 References and further information
Booklet RW/GW MA: Model agreement for the maintenance of rainwater and greywater use systems