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Structural appraisal of existing buildings, including for a material change of use: Part 3 Structural appraisal procedures

Structural appraisal of existing buildings, including for a material change of use: Part 3 Structural appraisal procedures

by S Matthews (23-Oct-2012)


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Book Description

This Digest gives guidance to professional engineers on the structural appraisal of existing buildings, including making a structural appraisal for a material change of use. Part 3 describes structural appraisal procedures. It looks in detail at the process of structural appraisal: at the steps involved, and at the levels of activity. It then goes on to consider structural work needed for a proposed change of use, at health and safety issues, and at reporting on the outcome of the appraisal. Annexes to this Part cover ancillary aspects of the appraisal (safety concepts, partial safety factors, target reliability values), and residual service life estimation.


1 The structural appraisal process
1.1 Overview
1.2 Initial inspection, preliminary structural
appraisal and possible urgent action
(Steps 1–3)
1.3 Existing documentation (Step 4)
1.4 Detailed investigation (Step 5)
1.5 Appraisal Level 0: appraisal without
calculations (part of Step 6)
1.6 Appraisal Level 1: preliminary structural
appraisal (part of Step 6)
1.7 Appraisal Level 2: initial detailed
structural appraisal (part of Step 6) 1.8 Appraisal Level 3: further detailed
structural appraisal (part of Step 6)
1.9 Appraisal Level 4: in-depth structural
appraisal (part of Step 6)
2 Structural work needed for proposed change of use (step 7)  
3 Other health and safety issues (steps 7 and 8)
4 Reporting the outcomes of the appraisal (step 8)   
Annex A: Ancillary aspects of making a structural appraisal
Annex A: Ancillary aspects of making a structural appraisal
References and notes


A4 16pp

4 line drawing, 1 photo