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Evacuating vulnerable and dependent people from buildings in an emergency<BR>(FB 52) <B>DOWNLOAD</B>

Evacuating vulnerable and dependent people from buildings in an emergency

by D Crowder and D Charters (13-Feb-2013)

Book Description

How should people who are elderly or ill, or children, be evacuated from buildings, residential care, healthcare and domestic premises? This guide provides support for designers, owners and managers of buildings so that they can formulate efficient strategies for the effective evacuation of people with mobility impairments. Qualitative guidance is given to illustrate the considerations that need to be made when developing an evacuation strategy that will be as inclusive as practicably possible. Formulae and data are also provided in order to quantify the relationship that exists between the size and nature of a population that may need evacuating, the resources that are available to effect that evacuation, and the level of fire protection afforded by the building requiring evacuation.


Executive summary
1 Introduction
2 Roles
- Fire safety management
- Role of front-line staff
3 Available Safe Egress Time and Required Safe Egress Time
4 Evacuation of patients
5 Evacuation strategies
- Simultaneous evacuation
- Progressive horizontal evacuation
- Defend-in-place strategy
6 Points to consider when evacuating mobility-impaired people
7 Training
- General
- Back care
- Infection control
8 Evacuation aids and techniques
9 Ensuring continuity of care
Appendix A Nature of fire
Appendix B Evacuation data
Appendix C Vertical evacuation
Appendix D Calculation of evacuation time
10 References


A4, 32pp

7 line drawings, 0 photos

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