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Traffic loading on highway bridges

Traffic loading on highway bridges

by P Dawe (12-Nov-2003)


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Book Description

From the introduction of steam traction engines in the nineteenth century through to the commercial vehicles and heavy industrial loads of the present day, bridge engineers have had to consider the effects of traffic loads on their structures.

This book provides a detailed examination of all aspects of traffic loading and describes how design and assessment methods have evolved to deal with them. As a former Head of the Bridges Engineering Division of the Department of Transport, Peter Dawe has first hand experience of the requirements of the modern bridge engineer and has provided a comprehensive review of the development of rules for traffic loading.

Traffic loading on highway bridges will be of value to students who wish to delve into the background behind the current loading rules, practising engineers who wish to understand the premises upon which the rules are based and researchers who wish to develop the subject further. 256 pages.